How to handle procurement in the rail sector?

Case of the maintenance parts buyer at SNCF (French national railways)

In the area of rail transport, maintenance plays a vital role in being able to operate trains under optimum conditions. Here’s the testimonial from our customer, who is a maintenance parts buyer at SNCF: For maintenance of my equipment, I often need to source old parts on the basis of reference numbers or old plans. When that happens, I have to be able to rely on support from partners who have sufficient experience to be able to identify the parts I need. Dény Security has addressed this issue by adapting to the specific needs in relation to SNCF, by having a competitive offering and full expertise in rail sector maintenance.

Flexible maintenance, most suited to customer needs.

Subject to the vagaries of life, maintenance needs are by definition highly unforeseeable, whether in terms of quantity or in terms of deadlines. The buyer accordingly expects the supplier to be responsive and prepared to expedite its processes, notably by prioritizing certain requests which may have become urgent.

Rapid supply

The buyer was therefore able to rely on the support of Dény Security which is able to supply small quantities.
We can supply SNCF with spare parts quickly, in small batches which best suit their needs, thus avoiding an excess build-up of stock.

The choice of a competitive offer

When it comes to maintenance, it's certain that a reliable partnership is built up over the long term. It is therefore important for the buyer that the supplier practices competitive and reasonable pricing.

The buyer therefore opted to go with Dény Security, which allowed them to keep control of costs, whilst benefiting from robust solutions that safeguard trains against possible faults.

Experience and proximity to our customers are guarantees of success

In the work of a maintenance parts buyer in an SNCF Technical Center, it is a common occurrence to find that not all the information needed to identify a required part is known.

The good supplier

The longevity of a supplier such as Dény Security then comes into its own. As a long-standing manufacturer and specialist in locks and locking solutions, notably for the rail sector, Dény Security makes its expertise available to its customers, as our maintenance parts buyer at SNCF will testify: “Dény Security always goes the extra mile to identify precisely the model we are looking for, which is sometimes very old. There have even been occasions when I have approached this partner for set of train dimensions.


Experienced and flexible

Always attuned to its customers and their expectations, Dény Security guarantees professionals, particularly in the rail sector, high-quality supplies for all their maintenance needs.

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