Key Master Locking System

What is a Master key system? Why adopt one?

Our Solutions

Your organization includes numerous services and spaces to which access is restricted to various types of people. To organize the flow of people and control each person's level of access, you need to create a diagrammatic representation of the rights to open the various doors than form the structure of your security system. In the jargon of the locks industry, this overall diagram of security passes is called a Master Key System or combination diagram.

What is a Key Management Chart?

A Master Key System is a diagrammatic representation of each person's access authorizations to defined areas. The key is simply the physical manifestation of the chart. This chart will allow you to:

  • Control access to spaces and services.
  • Identify which keys open which doors and access points.
  • Organize the flow of people across a dedicated site.

Download your Master Key System

What are the advantages to a company of having a Maser Key Sytem?

Property security:

With a chart, you are able to control access to spaces by only authorizing those people with particular keys. You can then make sensitive parts of the building more secure by limiting the ability to open them to a few trusted colleagues. A chart therefore allows you to reduce the risk of theft or damage, and any leaks of information which are a threat to your intellectual property.


Personal security:

Managing the flow of people using a chart means you can restrict unauthorized movement or access to at-risk spaces within a site. Dangerous places in particular are accessible only to authorized persons, and this makes their colleagues safer. Furthermore, security personnel with a pass can access the site of accident more quickly. In an emergency, evacuation is therefore faster.

Limiting costs:

The use of partial and master access passes (which open all or only some of the lock cylinders on the chart), as with a chart, reduces the number of keys required. The number of keys held in stock is also kept to a minimum. This reduction in the number of keys leads to a reduction in related costs. The Key Management Chart also allows you to rationalize your system into several levels. Supply management is simplified and keys are ordered separately from lock cylinders. Each key ordered is therefore used. Finally, spare part stock levels are reduced.

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What are the different types of Master key System you can have?

Master Key System Diagram of a hierarchical

Diagram of a hierarchical chart

A master pass, held by the boss, gives access to the entire building. At a lower level, managers hold a partial pass which gives them access to the offices occupied by their respective teams. The hierarchical representation is a representation of the chart in the form of a pyramid. The simplest and most common, this type of chart gives you a quick overview of the links between passes and lock cylinders. The hierarchical approach is also interesting because it shows the geographical or human reality within a company.

Master Key System matrix

Diagram of a matrix Master Key

This consists of a spreadsheet. In the left-hand column are the cylinder identifiers. In the top row are the pass identifiers. A cross in a particular cell indicates that that pass opens that cylinder. Unlike the hierarchical representation, the matrix representation makes little consideration of the internal organization. This chart is therefore less structured, but more flexible. It can respond to more complex requirements, particularly where an individual is attributed different access rights depending on their role. In hotels or hospitals for example, security or janitorial staff need access to various offices, but not to the IT department. Please 

note: the matrix chart can be created from a hierarchical chart, but the reverse is more difficult.

Easily create your master key system!

Download your model now!

How to apply this organisation chart model in your company?

Download the Excel template free of charge, then complete the locking plan in 3 steps :

  1. Enter the doors concerned.
  2. Fill in the cylinder lengths (the standard being the European cylinder).
  3. Define the access rights for each door.

Contact us: we will assist you in drawing up a key organisation chart that is perfectly adapted to your organisation's needs.

Why choose the Dény-Security master key system?

Dény Security is the specialist for hierarchical key management charts. Its expertise goes back to 1740, the year the company was founded. We work in direct partnership with the end-user, via a commercial network operating throughout France.

Complete service delivery solution

Our expertise covers managing the project from designing the chart through to the setting up of keys and installation of cylinders on site, thereby limiting the number of intermediaries needed. Dény Security guarantees its customers a very high level of security, particularly as it uses data compartmentalization.

Advantages of the Dény key management chart

  • Drawing up the key management chart is free, whatever its size and complexity.
  • Orders are shipped carriage free from just €1.
  • Technical and sales assistance is free.

Definitions of terminology used in Key Management Charts

  • Master pass: Opens all cylinders on a chart
  • Partial pass/group pass: Opens all cylinders within the same group.
  • Hybrid/Itinerant pass: Opens one or more cylinders in several groups.
  • Centralized opening: Common door which can be opened by all individual keys on a chart.
  • Example: a lock cylinder placed on a building's entrance door.
  • Similar cylinders: Cylinders with the same fittings (same identifier).
  • Button cylinder: This cylinder opens from the outside with a key and with a button from the inside.
  • Owner's card: Card identifying the owner of a key and authorizing its copying by a locksmith or by the cylinder's manufacturer.